

What is Global Warming ? | Effects | Solutions

What is Global Warming ?

Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth because of an increase in Green house gases trapped within ozone layer . the average temperature is rising everywhere on earth . The winters become slightly hot and the summers are unbearably hot . We humans produce insane amounts of chemicals that affect impossible for the planet to recover .

                                                      Earth rotating around the sun which varies the intensity with which the sun rays heat the ground . Other natural phenomena that increase the buildup of green house gases are Volcanic eruptions , and Geothermal sites . They produce more carbon dioxide , nitrogen dioxide, chloro fluoro carbons , hydro carbons and methane . These gases are also called Earth heating gases . Excess presence of these gases in the atmosphere causes , excess global warming .

Effects of Global warming :-

          1.     Rising sea levels .
2.     Regional changes in precipitation.
3.     More frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves .
4.     Expansion of Deserts .
5.     Change in temperature , humidity .

Solutions to Global warming :-

1.     Stop doing deforestation.
2.     Minimize the Carbon usage .
3.     Reducing our power consumption like Burning fuels, etc .
4.     Minimizing the use of carbon usage .
5.     Encourage the youth towards the geo – engineering .

Conclusion :-  The present situation on Global warming is not good . Wildlife species are becoming extinct . Human respiratory diseases are on the increase and people are dying from natural disasters such as floods , drought , etc ., Different human activities are also responsible for Global warming . So , we have to stop it .

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